Maxxton jumps to #19 in the Dutch Saas100 ranking

Another big achievement by reaching the 19th position in the Dutch SaaS100 ranking.

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We are honoured that all of our efforts lead to this recognition. This strives us for continuous improvements and innovation and motivates us to keep building a smarter hospitality industry throughout Europe.


About SaaS100

The Saas100 is the list of the one hundred best-performing SaaS companies in the Netherlands (a turnover up to 50 million euros). MT/Sprout selected online software providers for sales growth (MRR), churn, speed international expansion, and efficiency. The event takes place every year in Amsterdam. It is an annual gathering of nominees.


About MT/Sprout

MT/Sprout is a renowned Dutch platform that writes about the fastest-growing startups, scale-ups, and leadership talent within large organisations.


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