Maxxton partners with Zeeuwse Vacaturebank
Living in Zeeland is good. And there is plenty of work in all sectors and at all different levels.

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It is there mission to make all these vacancies, assignments and internships visible in one central location, well searchable and all for free. It’s good for the Zeeland labor market and therefore good for Zeeland. The focus is mainly on University degree, Polytechnic and Vocational education vacancies and internships. Job seekers can view all available vacancies, assignments and internships without obligation and free of charge. If necessary, an account can be created that remembers personal search preferences and can also send a weekly Job Alert. In addition, you can ask questions and may also use of our knowledge and the network of the parties involved.
All Zeeland employers can post their vacancies, assignments and internships free of charge, because it is an initiative of a non-profit foundation. is an initiative of De Zeeuwse Connectie, supported by the Province of Zeeland and various Zeeland employers and partners. It is part of the Zeeuws Platform Work & Internship, a larger project that focuses on joining forces with regard to the Zeeland labor market and actual activation in that area. Maxxton welcomes and supports this great project! Do take a look at our website and see what we as a Zeeland employer can offer you. Perhaps we will meet soon in our office in Middelburg!