Trade shows in November 2022

Traditionally, November is a busy month with many trade shows.

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At these trade shows, there is an opportunity to discuss specific customer questions in more depth and to look together with partners for ways to make the software solutions even better. This year, Maxxton participated in the following three shows:

  • Holiday Park & Resort Innovation – United Kingdom
  • Salon SETT – France
  • Recreatie Vakbeurs Hardenberg – Netherlands

Holiday Park & Resort Innovation

The trade show in Birmingham aligned well with our vision: building a smarter hospitality industry. By sponsoring the keynote theatre, we contributed by providing a platform where knowledge and insights are shared. We are proud that our new client Landal UK was also given a platform to share their knowledge.


Salon SETT

France has been the world’s leading tourist destination for decades. Holiday rentals, holiday parks, and campsites in France are very mature. As Maxxton is building a French consultancy team to support our French clients, Salon SETT is a perfect venue to attend. We had the opportunity to catch up and share future plans. Together with our partners, we want to make the French hospitality industry even smarter.


Recreatie Vakbeurs Hardenberg

Maxxton has been a loyal participant in the Recreatie Vakbeurs Hardenberg for many years. This year, too, we were able to catch up with our customers. It was great to see our partner Koole Controls giving demonstrations about integrated barrier dashboards. The show is seen as the closure of season 2022 and the preparation for season 2023. We are happy with all the potential for the upcoming year.


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