The Saas100 is the list of the one hundred best performing SaaS companies in the Netherlands (a turnover up to 50 million euros). MT/Sprout selected online software providers for sales growth (MRR), churn, speed international expansion, and efficiency.
Maxxton is proud of this ranking and is eager to continue delivering the best work in order to remain on top of its game. Maxxton Software keeps continuously developing. Both by optimising current features and software, but also by developing new features that are required by the Hospitality Industry. Together with partners, we strive for innovation and remain at the forefront of the industry. In the second half of 2022, the further professionalisation and expansion of the top management are on the agenda. Furthermore, another exciting development for Maxxton has taken place. Maxxton has just opened up a business unit in Paris to provide our French customers the best service and to keep pace with the rapid growth.
About MT/Sprout
MT/Sprout is a renowned Dutch platform that writes about the fastest-growing startups, scale-ups, and leadership talent within large organisations.