Reallocation Engine
When we compare the hotel industry to the holiday park industry, it is clear that customers of the holiday park industry are keen on selecting the accommodation unit in which they will stay.

This is because the location on a holiday park is making a difference and the customers usually stay relatively long. Also, for operational reasons, customers need to know where to find their unit without having to go to the reception desk. Therefore, we automatically assign accommodation units to reservations (in many cases upon the preference of the customer). Doing this we take multiple factors into account and try to minimise the gaps on the planning chart. These gaps are unfavourable because they are often not large enough to accommodate a new booking, especially in periods with high occupancy, resulting in missed sales. To make this process hyper-efficient, Maxxton has developed a real-time Reallocation Engine.
How does the Reallocation Engine work?
Optimise the occupancy rate and maximise availability. Maxxton’s ‘Reallocation Engine’ automatically identifies available accommodations, increases your bookings by rearranging booked accommodation units, and making these units available for new bookings. Automatically fill the gaps in your booking calendar. Furthermore, the Reallocation Engine keeps track of all possibilities for shuffling existing bookings to another unit to create extra availability. This is implemented by creating ‘shadow’ data. That means that all available options are saved. As soon as a guest is looking for a specific accommodation type – without current availability – the Reallocation Engine checks in real-time all saved options for reshuffling existing bookings and selects the most favourable option. The significant benefit is that speed performance stays up to the mark. In the example below, in the booking flow, there is no availability for a specific accommodation unit for a specific date range. In no time the Reallocation Engine can select one of the ‘shadow’ options.
Also, the availability and (preferred) freedom of choice is achieved with the Reallocation Engine. In short, the process consists of three steps:
1. Selecting reservations for shuffling
What are the benefits?
- Automation: with the current complexity it is no longer sufficient to manually adjust the planning board.
- Speed calculations algorithm: you improve user experience and conversion rate through a proven Engine with a powerful algorithm.
- Real-time: preferably the engine works in real-time. Only updating data at night causes reservations to be missed.
- Preferred Bookings: offers as many units as possible to increase the number of preferred bookings.
The Reallocation Engine is a hyper-efficient way to provide service and generate additional income. With an API connection, the Reallocation Engine can be implemented in a short period.